
Pay Your Water Bill in Seconds

Download the JumiaPay app and enjoy your bill payment today with a safe and secure payment method.

Learn how to easily pay your water bills using Jumia Pay. A comprehensive guide to a seamless and secure payment process, with a review of the benefits of utilizing this innovative service.

Water bills are a vital part of people's lives, playing a crucial role in providing essential water supplies to the community. In Egypt, the process of paying water bills comes with its complexities and importance. This requires a precise understanding of the procedures and measures involved. In this simplified guide, we will explore how to facilitate the process of paying water bills in Egypt, contributing to meeting the community's needs and ensuring the sustainability of their access to clean and safe water.


We'll explore how you can easily pay your water bills using JumiaPay, making it convenient for you to settle your accounts effortlessly.


Benefits of Paying Water Bills via JumiaPay

JumiaPay offers a range of benefits that make settling water bills a pleasant and efficient experience. Among these benefits are:

  • Ease of Use: A simple and user-friendly interface makes the bill payment process easy and understandable for everyone.
  • Speed of Transaction: Jumia Pay provides instant payment processes, meaning you can renew your bills quickly and in a timely manner.
  • High Security: Jumia Pay ensures advanced security measures, guaranteeing the confidentiality and protection of your financial information.

Getting Started

Setting Up Your JumiaPay Account

If you haven't set up a JumiaPay account yet, you can start by downloading the app or visiting the official website. Follow the simple steps to create your account.

Linking Your Service Account

After setting up your account, easily link your water utility account to your JumiaPay profile to ensure a smooth payment process.

Step-by-Step Guide to Paying Water Bills

Accessing the JumiaPay Portal

Open the JumiaPay app or visit the website, then navigate to the bills section and look for the water bill payment category.

Entering Billing Information

Input the required billing details, such as the account number and the due amount. Ensure the accuracy of the data to facilitate the payment process.

Choosing Payment Method

Explore the available payment methods through JumiaPay, whether it's credit cards, debit cards, or other online payment options.

Confirming the Payment

After selecting your payment method, confirm the transaction and receive a payment receipt with transaction details for your records.